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Install the Windows Service

Windows Services are different than normal Windows based applications. It is not possible to run a Windows Service by simply running an EXE. The Windows Service should be installed by using the InstallUtil.exe provided with the .NET Framework or through a deployment project such as a Microsoft Installer (MSI) file.

Add an Installer
Having created the Windows Service will not be enough for the InstallUtil program to be able to install the service. You must also add an Installer to your Windows Service so that the InstallUtil, or any other installation program, knows what configuration settings to apply to your service.

Switch to the design view for the service
Right click and select Add Installer
Switch to the design view of the ProjectInstaller that is added
Set the properties of the serviceInstaller1 component
ServiceName = My Sample Service
StartType = Automatic
Set the properties of the serviceProcessInstaller1 component
Account = LocalSystem
Build the Solution
The following code contained in the ProjectInstaller.cs source file was automatically generated by Visual Studio after having completed the steps above.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Configuration.Install;

namespace CodeGuru.MyWindowsService
/// Summary description for ProjectInstaller.

public class ProjectInstaller :
private System.ServiceProcess.ServiceProcessInstaller
private System.ServiceProcess.ServiceInstaller serviceInstaller1;
/// Required designer variable.

private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;

public ProjectInstaller()
// This call is required by the Designer.

// TODO: Add any initialization after the InitComponent call

#region Component Designer generated code
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.

private void InitializeComponent()
this.serviceProcessInstaller1 = new
this.serviceInstaller1 = new
// serviceProcessInstaller1
this.serviceProcessInstaller1.Account =
this.serviceProcessInstaller1.Password = null;
this.serviceProcessInstaller1.Username = null;
// serviceInstaller1
this.serviceInstaller1.ServiceName = "My Sample Service";
this.serviceInstaller1.StartType =
// ProjectInstaller
{this.serviceProcessInstaller1, this.serviceInstaller1});

Use InstallUtil to Install the Windows Service

The following instructions will guide you in installing your new service.

Open a Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt
Change to the bin\Debug directory of your project location (bin\Release if you compiled in release mode)
Issue the command InstallUtil.exe MyWindowsService.exe to register the service and have it create the appropriate registry entries
Open the Computer Management console by right clicking on My Computer on the desktop and selecting Manage
In the Services section underneath Services and Applications you should now see your Windows Service included in the list of services
Start your service by right clicking on it and selecting Start
Each time you need to change your Windows Service it will require you to uninstall and reinstall the service. Prior to uninstalling the service it is a good idea to make sure you have the Services management console closed. If you do not you may have difficulty uninstalling and reinstalling the Windows Service. To uninstall the service simply reissue the same InstallUtil command used to register the service and add the /u command switch.

Debug the Windows Service

As with all other aspects, debugging a Windows Service is different than a normal application. More steps are required to debug a Windows Service. The service cannot be debugged by simply executing it in the development environment as you can with a normal application. The service must first be installed and started, which we covered in the previous section. Once it is started you attach Visual Studio to the running process in order to step through and debug the code. Remember, each change you make to the Windows Service will require you to uninstall and reinstall the service.

Attach to a Running Windows Service

Here are the directions for attaching to a Windows Service in order to debug the application. These instructions assume that you have already installed the Windows Service and it is currently running.

Load the project into Visual Studio
Click on the Debug menu
Click on the Processes menu item
Make sure the Show system processes is selected
Locate your process in the Available Processes list based on the name of your executable and click on it
Click the Attach button
Click OK
Click Close
Set a break point in the timer1_Elapsed method and wait for it to execute